Desert Preservation Society

Donate Now!



Just $50.00 can be helpful to start a campaign to recruit volunteers in a cleanup area

Donate $50.00



A $100 one time donation provide funds that can support geo-mapping of 2 cleanup areas in any one BLM parcel, national park, public use trail, beach or forest.


Donate $100



Can help to produce publications that can be posted and distributed at outdoor recreation vendors, retailers, travel experts and adventure sporting events.


Could support a week of web hosting and social media management to raise awarness and help train people to report issues and encourage reporting of these illegally dumped deposits so they are taregted for leanup

Donate $150



A $200 donation can help bring awareness to the public by supporting education in schools and communities.


A $200 donation can be used to support the geomapping of 5 or more debris areas in one location during a locate event of volunteers.

Donate $200



Can pay for one day of advertising for an upcoming event on radio or in local publications.

Donate $350



Could be used to help to contribute to the fees to pick up and dispose of one truckload of debris during a major cleanup event.

In appreciation for your donation, we will send you a Desert Preservation Society t-shirt.



Donate $500

Sponsorhip Opportunities

Does your company want to sponsor and event in your area?

As you might imagine,events are the largest expenses in support of the DPS mission. Coordination, permits, equipment, tech support, volunteer recruitment, on site volunteer support, uniforms, on site communication, debris pickup and disposal all contributed to expenses that, on average, amount to over $25,000 per event.

Please consider full or partial sponsorship of a cleanup event in your area.

To speak to somone regarding this opportunity please contact the DPS President at Dersertpreservationsociety@gmail.com

Thank you for your consideration.

Team Building!

Looking for something unique and interesting for your team to partipate in that will also give back to the environment and the community?

Desert preservation Society an help arrange and and provide support for your team building event cleaning a public area in your community.

Contact us at: desertpreservationsoiety@gmail.com

Desert Preservation Society