Organized larger scale efforts to clear the trash and pollutants from the public lands requires resources - please give what you can.

Our Program


Identify areas of need

We rely on you!

If the land areas you rely on for your outdoor recreation hobbies, be it hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, dirt bike riding, motocross, endurocross, BMX, 4-wheeling, ATV's - or any other outdoor recreational activity - are in need of attention - please let us know.

We cannot be everywhere, and we rely on our supporters to inform us of places that need attention and clean up.

We also rely on you to geolocate the debris that need removing and text or email us the exact geocoordinates of garbage you find (and hopefully a picture so we understand the magnitude). 

When there are enough reports of various cleanup efforts needed in one geographical area, that is what triggers the coordination and planing of a clean up event.

Once the garbage is pinpointed, the cleanup events are much more efficient, as the volunteers and contractors can begin removing junk immediately and will not have to search for the garbage during the event.

Give back while doing what you love!

The role of a geolocator volunteer is the heart of DPS! 

Anyone who uses public lands for recreational purposes is needed as a geolocator volunteer.

What you do:

PLEASE - go enjoy the outdoors, ride, hike, smell, relax - ENJOY! Continue doing what you love to do - and let us know if you see any debris! 

In the process of doing what you love, please keep us in mind.  If you see an issue with waste, cleanup, debris, garbage, litter, etc that needs attention, please do the following:

1) Geolocate that debris (with longitude/latitude) so we can map it, understand where it is and continue to collect data on that area until the reports to support a cleanup event.

Your latitiude and longitude coodrdinates will be mapped and the map will be published on this site so that all can see and track where debris and garbage need mitigation.


2) Take a selfie with, or a photo of the issue you have come accross - try to include your recreational activity whereever possible.

These photos allow us to do two things:

First: understand the scale of the issue the issue you have found and thus assess the resoruce required to clean up the area

Second: understand how you accessed the area so we have appropriate help and equipment ready to get to the issue, and restore the area while doing the least amount of damage to the natural environment/habitat possible.

Coordinate events

Once an area of need is identified, there is a significant amount of work that needs to be done to pull off a large scale clean up event:

What our team does to ensure our events are imactful, beneficial, and efficent: 

  • There must be enough donated funds to execute a full scale event
  • Any one plot/park/BLM land/public area must have at least a minimum of 4 truckloads of approved and removable rubbage before an event can begin the planning stages.
  • Recruit sponsorships to cover expenses 
  • Reach out to local business for support (volunteers and donations)
  • Permits and approvals to hold a clean up event & have on site camping for multi-day events
  • Travel arrangements where necessary
  • Obtaining bids from junk removal contractors and nailing down dates
  • Announcements of dates and finalization made
  • Coordination of on site support needs obtained 
  • Volunteer recruitment, sign up and assignment
  • Order and obtain event materials, including necessary rental equipment, volunteer t-shirts, disposal bags, etc.

Host Event.


Follow up.

On event day, things are very busy, there is a lot of movement and fantastic work being done at a fast pace to accomplish our goals.

Most events occur on weekends, given they rely almost entirely on volunteers, making nessecities like haul away and disposal of debris challenging.

The bottom line: WHY we do it: 

Assure the site is left in better condition then when we arrived and presereved for future use. 

Published results:

  • # of volunteers
  • total work hours
  • pounds of debris removed
  • highlights of type of debris removed
  • thank you to our sponsors and volunteers

Start coordination of next event if site was not completely cleared, cleaned up and restored.

Call us.

Desert Preservation Society can be reached at 425-273-8129

Text us.

You texts are always welcome at 425-273-8129

FOLLOW US! on social media.

We can be found on Facebook:

Contact us on Instagram:

Joint us on Linked In:  

Email us.

We welcome your email at:


Together we can help


Follow us!

We want you to add your voice to the movement!

If you want to help make a difference, you must get involved!

Join us!  Follow us on instragram, Facebook and Linked in.

And, at the very least SHARE US to help spread the word.

Thank you for your support!